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- Serial Number: 9914-9036-**** Message for serial number
- System Shot Count: 159,517 total pulses
- Alex Shot Count: 136,412 total pulses
- Yag Shot Count: 23,105 total pulses
- Small 1.5mm-5mm Vascular Hand Piece and Delivery System
- Standard 6mm-18mm Hand Piece and Delivery System
- Large 20mm-26mm Hand Piece and Delivery System
- Distance Gauges for each spot size
- Foot Switch
- System Key
- Operators Manual
- 30 Days Parts and Labor Warranty
The latest evolution of the Gentle Pro series, The Gentleman Pro Plus platform is Candela’s latest evolution in the #1 dermatologist-recommended brand for laser hair removal. Built on a foundation of over 20 years of clinically proven performance across all skin types, it is designed to exceed all of our expectations!!
Has increased power, speed and larger spot sizes, as well as short pulse durations to treat fine, residual hair.
Not only will we be taking Laser Permanent Hair reduction in the west to a whole new level, our Candela Gentleman Pro Plus doesn’t just treat hair!! We are adding lots of new treatments to our menu and the results are blowing our minds !!!
- Permanent hair reduction
- Benign pigmented and vascular lesions
- Diffuse redness and facial vessels
- Rosacea
- Spider and leg veins
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Nail fungus
- Telangiectasia
Our Candela Gentleman Pro Plus utilize two energy sources, the Alexandrite and Nd: Yag lasers. They can be synchronized to work independently or simultaneously to tailor treatment according to your unique skin type, hair colour and thickness, for safety and great results.
Alexandrite is known as the gold standard for treating light skin types and the Nd: Yag is tailored for darker skin types without risking hyperpigmentation or ineffective results.
Laser hair removal works by targeting the melanin (dark pigment) in the hair without affecting the surrounding skin.
Laser Hair Reduction for Fair to Medium Skin Tones
Alexandrite lasers effectively remove hair from the face and body. They have a specific wavelength of light, and are non-ablative so will destroy hair at the root but leave the surface of the skin untouched.
The Alexandrite laser can be used to target large areas of unwanted hair as it has an adjustable spot size, and will require a course
of sessions to achieve the most lasting results.
Laser Hair Reduction for Dark Skin Tones
The Nd:YAG laser (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser), has a particularly long wavelength, which causes it to bypass the top layer of skin and head straight for underlying tissues, where many skin problems begin.
It’s particularly useful for hair removal-and indeed vein treatment-for people with darker skin as the laser is minimally absorbed by the skin’s melanin.
Like the Alexandrite laser, it is also non ablative and can be used to treat all body and facial hair issues.
After your first treatment of hair removal, your targeted hair will fall out two weeks post-treatment and will grow back weaker. After a total of 4 to 8 weeks depending on the area being treated post-treatment, when the hair has grown back enough for the laser to detect, another session will target the regrown hair, it will fall out again after two weeks and grow back even weaker and more space than before, this will continue until hair fails to grow back.
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